So in earlier versions, you need Forge and ShadersMod, created by Karyonix. Installing Shaders for older Minecraft versions is slightly different as Optifine only came to be compatible with Shaders from version 1.8.8. You are now ready to play with Shaders.After moving the Shaders to the folder, choose one of the Shaders from the list and press “ Done“.Now you should put all Shaders you want to play in Minecraft in this folder.You will see a window that contains all game settings for Shaders in the lower-left corner, click on “ Shaders Folder“.Once Minecraft is still open on the home screen, go to ¹ “ Options” -> ² “ Video Settings” -> ³ “ Shaders.”.The next step is to make the Shaders installation. Then, proceed to the installation process. Soon after completion, your file will be ready.For this tutorial, I will use the BSL Shader by going to the “ Download Links:” section and press the Download button. To download the Shader, choose one of your choices.This helps a lot when choosing the perfect Shader for your Minecraft. The differential of our site is that each article contains a complete guide containing a Review, Screenshots, Graphical Comparator, Installation Tutorial and Direct Download. There are many ways to get shaders in Minecraft, either through the shader creator’s website, or our website. Would you please read our detailed article on Minecraft Shaders and understand all the requirements? There are several types, with specific requirements of this system and hardware. The first step is to choose the correct Shader Pack. Upon startup, you will see that Minecraft 1.18 is “ modified, ” indicating that OptiFine has been installed correctly.

From the dropdown menu, choose the profile that OptiFine created.

After completing the download, the game will start automatically, close it, and go to the next step.It will start downloading the latest version, in this case, 1.19.3.

If not, choose version 1.19.3, press “Play”. You will see a dropdown menu in the lower-left corner that says “Latest Release”, check if it says 1.19.3. You will mostly need OptiFine does all the magic behind the codes the second requirement is the Shader Packs themselves. The Shaders function doesn’t come by default in Minecraft Java Edition, which requires the external installation and download processes, but the whole process is quite simple.